
John Kurlander

It is with deep sadness that we inform you of the passing of John Kurlander, sound engineer, on February 10, 2025 in the United States. WHISTLER, Inc. and CEO Hiroaki Yura extend their deepest condolences to all who knew him.

John Kurlander began his distinguished career in 1967 as an assistant engineer on The Beatles' "Abbey Road" album. His exceptional contributions to the industry include recording and mixing for world-renowned musicians and Hollywood productions, culminating in consecutive Grammy and Academy Awards for his work on "The Lord of the Rings" trilogy.

"John was an unparalleled recording engineer, as well as a treasured friend and colleague. Having worked with him mere days ago, this sudden news comes as a profound shock. His remarkable legacy will remain with us always."

-Hiroaki Yura, CEO of WHISTLER, Inc.-


For over two decades, we have been crafting music and sound with an unwavering commitment to timeless, unparalleled audio. Our mission is to offer comprehensive sound support, enabling our clients' productions to captivate global audiences and users with euphoric excitement.


Artists and engineers active in the video and gaming industries in Japan and abroad

Our team is a diverse blend of seasoned veterans and promising young artists, each showcasing their exceptional creativity and talent through collaborative productions. We take pride in our ability to handpick the finest professionals for your project, drawing upon a network of renowned artists and specialists from both Japan and abroad.

Staff List


  • Gundam: Requiem for VengeanceBandai Namco Filmworks Inc.
    • Sound Direction
    • Supervising Sound Editor
    • Composition
    • Musical Performance
    • Recording
    • Mix
    • Voice Recording
  • Overwatch 2Blizzard Entertainment, Inc.
    • Music Coordination
  • Digimon SurviveBANDAI NAMCO Games Inc.
    • Sound Direction
    • Sound Effects
    • Composition
    • Performance
    • Mix


WHISTLER is looking for artists and engineers to work on music production for domestic and international video and gaming projects.


ContactContact us for production inquiries 
and employment opportunities.